
Analyzing Data And Drawing Conclusions

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Analyzing Data & Drawing Conclusions Lt 1. 4 a & b

Analyzing Data & Drawing Conclusions Lt 1. 4 a & b

Analyzing a Line Graph 6 Weekly Internet Usage 5 4 Internet Usage (Hours) 3

Analyzing a Line Graph 6 Weekly Internet Usage 5 4 Internet Usage (Hours) 3 2 1 Day of the Week tu rd ay ay Sa Fr id y sd a ur Th W ed ne sd ay y Tu es da da on M nd a y y 0 Su • Discuss changes in data over time or trends in data • Discuss the ranges in the data • Indicate high and low spots in data

Analyzing a Bar Graph Weekly Internet Usage 6 Internet Usage (Hours)5 4 3 2

Analyzing a Bar Graph Weekly Internet Usage 6 Internet Usage (Hours)5 4 3 2 1 Day of the Week Sa tu rd ay ay Fr id y sd a ur Th sd ay ne y y ed W Tu es da da on M nd ay 0 Su • Discuss comparisons in the data • Discuss ranges in the data • Indicate high and low points in the data

Analyzing a Pie Graph • Discuss percentages shown • Discuss ranges in the data

Analyzing a Pie Graph • Discuss percentages shown • Discuss ranges in the data • Indicate high and low points in the data www. fedstats. gov/kids/mapstats/graphics/p ie. gif

Analyzing a Scatter Plot • Discuss how strong the relationship is between the variables

Analyzing a Scatter Plot • Discuss how strong the relationship is between the variables • Discuss if the relationship is direct or inverse • Indicate high and low points in the data (Pick from graph and discuss!) Relationship is strong because it is far from 0 and many points lie along the line. . Relationship is inverse because it is a negative value and line has a negative slope.

In general when analyzing graphs… • Pretend you are talking to someone younger •

In general when analyzing graphs… • Pretend you are talking to someone younger • Explain to them what the data actually means Example: *The relationship is weak which means that thumb circumference does not influence the # of wins you will get. * The relationship is inverse which means that the number of wins decreases as the thumb circumference increases.

Sources of Error-Part of Analysis • Discuss errors within the experiment (due to poor

Sources of Error-Part of Analysis • Discuss errors within the experiment (due to poor set-up, etc. ) • Discuss errors related to measurements taken (poor techniques, etc. ) • Do not blame errors on not measuring correctly or a bad measurement device!

Drawing Conclusions from Data Weekly Internet Usage 6 Internet Usage (Hours)5 4 3 2

Drawing Conclusions from Data Weekly Internet Usage 6 Internet Usage (Hours)5 4 3 2 1 Day of the Week Sa tu rd ay ay Fr id y sd a ur Th sd ay ne y y ed W Tu es da da on M nd ay 0 Su *Go beyond analysis to find out what is behind the data (Games on Tuesdays & Fridays-so less time is spent on internet) *Use data to support (1 hour was spent on the internet on Tuesdays & Friday compared to at least 1. 5 hours for every other day)

Analyzing Data And Drawing Conclusions


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