
Are Women Expected To Wear Makeup


Source: Kuznechik/Shutterstock

Celebrities are challenging standard notions of dazzler by embracing the No-Makeup Await. But how does this trend impact woman generally?

For decades, if not centuries, women have worn makeup to achieve a cultural standard of beauty. Cosmetics are used strategically to enhance certain features and hide others. From an evolutionary perspective, the qualities we consider beautiful are related to signals of reproductive fitness, such every bit sexuality, wellness, and youthfulness. Makeup that gives women red lips, flawless peel, captivating eyes, and a bit of blush all increase bewitchery, at least from a biological and cultural standpoint.

Research shows that makeup can significantly modify the impression we accept of women. Nash and colleagues (2006) conducted a study in which both men and women rated either pictures of women without makeup, or the aforementioned women with makeup. Women presented wearing cosmetics were perceived as healthier and more confident than when presented without makeup. Participants in the written report also credited women wearing makeup with a greater earning potential and with more prestigious jobs than the same women without cosmetics. Moderate makeup use is also linked to assumptions of health, heterosexuality, and credibility in the workplace (Dellinger & Williams, 1997).

Clearly, at that place are strong incentives for women to wear makeup in the workplace. Socially, makeup not merely increases perceived bewitchery, but it can also increase women's confidence. If women believe that wearing makeup increases their attractiveness, then it's like shooting fish in a barrel to encounter why they may feel better wearing it. Outward appearance can have a powerful influence on self-esteem. A report on the state of self-esteem by the Dove Cocky-Esteem Fund (2008) stated that "78 percent of girls with low self-esteem acknowledge that it's hard to feel practiced in school when you lot don't experience good most how y'all look (compared to 54 percent of girls with loftier cocky-esteem)."

Many women exercise feel less confident when they don't wear makeup. Alexis Sclamberg (2012) reported on a survey conducted by the Renfrew Center, which establish that 44 per centum of women felt more unattractive and uncomfortable when they didn't wear makeup than when they did: sixteen pct reported feeling unattractive; 14 pct reported feeling self-witting; and fourteen percent reported feeling naked without makeup (Renfrew Center Foundation, 2012). This written report too institute that only 3 percent of women reported that going without makeup made them feel more than bonny.

Nevertheless, information technology'due south not articulate that wearing makeup is entirely beneficial. A study by Robertson and colleagues (2008) plant a positive correlation between frequent use of cosmetics and anxiety, cocky-consciousness, and conformity. Women who reported wearing makeup less frequently tended to take college social confidence, emotional stability, and cocky-esteem.

In another study, women who were concerned almost their appearance wore more makeup and were more apt to believe that makeup enhanced their social interactions. The researchers reasoned that this could be a self-fulfilling prophecy: Women who are more self-conscious clothing more than makeup, and judge themselves to be more attractive when wearing makeup, and then they might human activity more confidently and the people they collaborate with may respond to that confidence in a more positive mode (Miller and Cox, 1982).

It'southward articulate that women enjoy advantages to wearing makeup. It can increase their perceived attractiveness, requite them more than conviction, and create a favorable impression in work and social settings.

So why is the no-makeup trend gaining popularity?

Federico Marsicano/Shutterstock

Source: Federico Marsicano/Shutterstock

The No-Makeup Look appears to have been adopted by women who are comfortable with themselves and their appearance. By embracing this trend, these women may be sending a message that they desire to be seen more authentically — to be accepted for how they actually look, without cover-up or enhancements.

In a preliminary study, women looked at their own reflection in a mirror every 24-hour interval with no goal other than to stay nowadays with themselves. After a two-calendar week period, they reported being more than comfortable with their appearance and less concerned with wearing makeup; they as well reported a decrease in stress and an increase in self-compassion (Well, et al. 2016).

If you're intrigued by the no-makeup look, but not ready to go to work or out on a date without information technology, endeavor this experiment every bit part of your morn routine: Sit in front of a mirror for 10 minutes without makeup and just look at yourself — with no goal other than to stay present with yourself. Be aware of your thoughts and feelings as you look at yourself, and see if you can permit go of any critical voices and view yourself with a bit of compassion. Exercise this regularly for 10 minutes a mean solar day for at least ii weeks and run across what happens.

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Davis, C., Dionne, M., & Shuster, B. (2000). Physical and psychological correlates of advent orientation. Personality and Individual Differences, xxx (2001), 21-xxx.

Dellinger, Grand., & Williams, C. L. (1997). Makeup at work: Negotiating appearance rules in the workplace. Gender & Club, eleven(2), 151-177.

Dove, Strategy One, and Ann Kearney-Melt. (2008, June). "Existent Girls, Existent Pressure: A National Report on the State of Self-Esteem Commissioned: June 2008." The Dove Self-Esteem Fund., Spider web.

Etcoff, N. Fifty., et al. (2011). Cosmetics every bit a Feature of the Extended Human Phenotype: Modulation of the Perception of Biologically Important Facial Signals. PLOS. Spider web.

Miller, Fifty. C., & Cox, L. C. (1982). For Appearances' Sake: Public Self-Consciousness and Makeup Usage. Personality and Social Psychology Message 8. 748-751.

Nash, R., Fieldman, 1000., Hussey, T., Lévêque, J., & Pineau, P. (2006). Cosmetics: They Influence More Than Caucasian Female Facial Attractiveness. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36(2), 493-504.

Renfrew Center Foundation (2012, February, 22). New Survey Results Betoken There's More to Makeup Employ Than Meets the Eye. Renfrew Centre Foundation. Spider web.

Robertson, J., Fieldman, Grand., & Hussey, T. (2008). Who wears Cosmetics? Private Differences and their Relationship with Cosmetic Usage. Individual Differences Inquiry, half-dozen, 38-40.

Sclamberg, Alexis. "Makeup: Could You Go a Day Without Information technology?" The Huffington Postal service., 21 Feb. 2012. Web.

Theberge, L., & Kernaleguen, A. (1979). Importance of cosmetics related to aspects of the self. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 48, 827-830.

Well, T., et al. (2016). The Benefits of Mirror Meditation. Newspaper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention in Denver, CO.


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