
How To Draw A Cartoon Spy

Spy vs. Spy.png

White Spy and Black Spy

Spy vs. Spy is a segment about Black Spy and White Spy battling against each other, with the spy who starts the conflict usually losing because of the other spy's counter plan or Grey Spy's plans. It is based on the monthly comic strip feature in MAD Magazine bearing the same name as the show.


  • 1 List of segment appearances
    • 1.1 Season 1
    • 1.2 Season 2
    • 1.3 Season 3
    • 1.4 Season 4
  • 2 Trivia

List of segment appearances

Season 1

  • (Episode 1) - White Spy finds Black Spy guarding a toll gate atop the branch of a tree, with a bomb beside him. He climbs the tree, secretly places a lid over the bomb, climbs back down, and drives through the toll gate in an army tank. An enraged Black Spy attempts to drop the bomb on him, but grabs the lid that White Spy placed atop the bomb, and drops it on White Spy's head, leaving him unharmed, and leaving Black Spy to be blown up by the bomb.
    • (Note: This was originally used on MADtv and this is the first time White Spy wins in a season premiere.)
  • (Episode 2) - Black Spy places what appears to be a large stick of dynamite behind a bench that White Spy is sitting on. Black Spy lights the fuse and runs behind a nearby bush. White Spy notices the explosive and snips off the lit tip of the fuse, but finds that the fuse is really the tail of a lion that was hiding inside the "dynamite stick". White Spy is then mauled by the creature as revenge for cutting off the tip of its tail.
  • (Episode 3) - White Spy sneaks microbombs into Black Spy's gloves. While White Spy plays his tuba, Black Spy puts his fingers in his ears to block out the sound, setting the bombs off.
    • (Note: This was originally used on MADtv.)
  • (Episode 4) - Black Spy infiltrates White Spy's submarine and opens a safe inside, but it turns out there is no safe at all, only a hole in the side of the submarine. Water fills the submarine and begins to sink, taking Black Spy along with it.
    • (Note: White Spy made a cameo in uGlee.)
  • (Episode 5) Black Spy launches a torpedo at White Spy's boat. White Spy's boat splits in half, but the torpedo splits in half, too. White Spy screams in terror and is blown up.
    • (Note: This was originally used on MADtv and the spies also made a cameo in WALL·E·NATOR.)
  • (Episode 6) - Black Spy carries a bundle of dynamite over to White Spy's HQ, in an attempt to blow up his adversary. He lights the fuse and rings the building's doorbell, only to get flattened by spring-loaded floor pieces. White Spy then walks outside, takes the dynamite, and rolls up Black Spy with it. He leaves it to detonate outside and chuckles as his opponent is obliterated by the explosion.
  • (Episode 7) - White Spy is flying in his helicopter and spots Black Spy riding on an elephant. White Spy attempts to shoot at them, but the bullets bounce off the elephant, which Black Spy reveals to be a tank when he fires a missile from the "trunk" that sends White Spy and his helicopter crashing to the ground.
  • (Episode 8) - White Spy gets himself a cannon hat to destroy Black Spy, but it backfires when Black Spy uses a bow and shoots an arrow with a large cork-shaped tip to back up the cannon.
  • (Episode 9) - Prison Guard Black Spy puts a file in a cake and sends it to an imprisoned White Spy, pretending that it was sent to him from his mother. White Spy finds the file within the cake and files off the window bars in his cell. He crawls out of his cell, but it turns out to be a trap, and White Spy is crushed by the spring-loaded walls on the sides of the opening.
    • (Note: This was originally used on MADtv.)
  • (Episode 10) - Black Spy uses a wrecking crane to destroy White Spy's HQ, but it backfires when White Spy uses a baseball bat built into his car and knocks the wrecking ball back at him. The ball wraps around the crane and smashes the cockpit.
  • (Episode 11) - Black Spy is driving a tank and sees White Spy in a jail cell, but the bars turn out to be a multi-barreled machine gun, and Black Spy and his tank are then riddled with shots from the gun.
  • (Episode 12) - White Spy takes notes on Black Spy's secret new jet with devastating consequences. The jet has a lawnmower in the back, which shreds White Spy to smithereens.
  • (Episode 13) - White Spy is shooting some hoops outside his HQ, but Black Spy interrupts his fun by swiping his basketball and making a slam dunk. White Spy then presses a button on a remote, which reveals that the hoop is actually a rocket, which latches onto Black Spy, fires into the air, and explodes.
    • (Note: This was originally used on MADtv.)
  • (Episode 14) - Black Spy chases White Spy in his car, and fires a rocket at White Spy's car. White Spy fights back by raising the car off its wheels, revealing an elastic sheet tied to the poles that join the car to the wheels, which is used to spring the rocket back to Black Spy's car and blow it up.
  • (Episode 15) - Hiding behind a tree, Black Spy thinks he sees White Spy hiding behind a rock, but it's only his hat. White Spy pops out from the tree's branch and clobbers Black Spy over the head with a club.
  • (Episode 16) - Black Spy spots White Spy in the desert, and sneaks up behind him with a club. However, he falls into a pit disguised as White Spy's shadow, and White Spy buries Black Spy in the sand.
    • (Note: This was originally used on MADtv and Black Spy made a cameo in Celebrities Without Their Makeup.)
  • (Episode 17) - White Spy's attempt to pogo stick his way into Black Spy's base is foiled with a spiked ceiling.
    • (Note: This was originally used on MADtv. However, this is a role reversal, as the perpetrator/victim in the MADtv version was Black Spy, and White Spy was the victor, however, in the original strip it has the role reversal used in this one.)
  • (Episode 18) - White Spy crushes Black Spy with a car that converts into a hammer after Black Spy destroys the bridge leading forth in a cockpit shaped like a nail.
  • (Episode 19) - Black Spy shoots down White Spy's airplane from his boat and heads to the crash site: a desert island. However, he finds only an inflatable White Spy on the island. The real White Spy is in a rowboat next to the island and points out that the palm tree on the island is a lit fuse, therefore the island is a giant bomb, which blows Black Spy up.
    • (Note: This is based off a Peter Kuper strip.)
  • (Episode 20) - Black Spy finds White Spy at a shed in a building site for his makeshift factory, and notices multiple wrecking cranes in a row next to the shed Black Spy uses a nearby boulder to start a domino effect with the wrecking balls that crushes White Spy inside the shed.
    • (Note: This is the first time the plotting snicker was used as a victory chuckle.)
  • (Episode 21) - White Spy infiltrates Black Spy's observatory, and looks through the telescope inside. The "telescope" is actually a cannon, which Black Spy uses to blast White Spy from outside.
  • (Episode 22) - White Spy is skiing on a mountaintop, and just as he rides a ramp into midair, Black Spy attempts to attack him in his helicopter. White Spy reveals that his skis are missiles, and launches them at Black Spy's helicopter. White Spy also activates propellers built inside his ski poles to keep him suspended in the air as his opponent blows up.
  • (Episode 23) - White Spy is asleep on a hammock, and Black Spy decides to disturb his slumber by shooting down his hammock. White Spy grabs a plunger, a hacksaw, and a bow tie the hacksaw to the plunger and fires the two objects at Black Spy's helicopter with the bow. The plunger adheres to one of the helicopter's rotors, and the attached hacksaw slices off the helicopter's tail, sending it plummeting to the ground.
  • (Episode 24) - White Spy's attempt to hit Black Spy with a rock flung by a slingshot backfires when Black Spy has a slingshot hidden in his hat that flings the rock backward into White Spy's face.
    • (Note: MAD Kids used the same segment like this in the Spy vs. Spy spin-off, Spy vs. Spy Jr.)
  • (Episode 25) - Late at night, White Spy places a top-secret file in a large mousetrap, and goes to sleep in a small house next to the mousetrap. In an attempt to steal it, Black Spy sets off the mousetrap with a twig, and just as he grabs the file, White Spy pushes the wall of the house facing Black Spy down, crushing his adversary.
    • (Note: This was originally used on MADtv.)
  • (Episode 26) - White Spy ties up Black Spy and puts him in a canoe headed straight for a waterfall. Black Spy manages to escape his bonds and grabs a tree branch nearby to avoid his fate, but the tree turns out to be on wheels, and Black Spy plummets to the bottom of the waterfall.
    • (Note: This is the first time that there were two victory chuckles in a row and the first time White Spy wins in a season finale.)

Season 2

  • (Episode 27) - While walking across a bridge, Black Spy spots a balloon that looks like White Spy anchored to the bridge. A frustrated Black Spy grabs a nearby slingshot and uses it to fling a rock at the balloon and pop it. Unfortunately, Black Spy notices too late that the balloon turns out to be what's holding the bridge up. From a ledge underneath where the bridge was, White Spy watches with glee as Black Spy plummets to the ground.
    • (Note: This is the second time White Spy wins in a season premiere and the spies also made a cameo in MAD News.)
  • (Episode 28) - White Spy steals Black Spy's briefcase, but when White Spy opens he finds it doesn't contain anything top-secret, but contains pieces of a picture puzzle. White Spy assembles it and finds that the picture it forms is a target. Black Spy flies by in an airplane and drops a bomb on the picture puzzle, blasting White Spy as well.
    • (Note: This is the first Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion and Black Spy made a cameo in Captain America's Got Talent.)
  • (Episode 29) - Black Spy tries to drop a bomb on White Spy, but White Spy bounces it with a hidden spring. Black Spy then seemingly admits defeat with a white flag, but it turns out to be an ax and he chops White Spy in half with it.
    • (Note: This is based off a Peter Kuper strip and they also made a cameo in Kung Fu Blander.)
  • (Episode 30) - From behind a tree, Black Spy spots White Spy capturing a radio transmission, and digs a hole under White Spy. He puts a bomb underneath, but White Spy moves his transmission equipment and the nearby tree away from the bomb, just so that the tree is directly above the bomb. Black Spy waits behind the tree for the explosion, but he gets blasted instead.
    • (Note: This is the second Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 31) - Black Spy places a lit stick of dynamite in a sleeping White Spy's house window. White Spy discovers the stick through his mirror and puts it out with water from a nearby vase. As soon as White Spy goes back to sleep, Black Spy removes the glass from the mirror, places it in the window frame, and places a bomb in the mirror frame. White Spy then notices the bomb and pours water on the bomb's reflection in the mirror. White Spy soon notices Black Spy's trick, but notices it too late and is blown up alongside his house.
  • (Episode 32) - White Spy and Black Spy are in a boxing match. Black Spy secretly puts a horseshoe in his glove to punch out White Spy easily. In the match, Black Spy throws a hard punch at White Spy's face, but breaks his hand on impact. White Spy reveals he was secretly wearing a knight's helmet.
    • (Note: This is the third Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 33) - White Spy spots Black Spy going fishing and attaches a bomb to his fishing line from underwater, but Black Spy's fishing line is attached to the door of a shark cage. Black Spy reels in his line, opening the cage door. releasing the shark inside. The shark then attacks White Spy. Black Spy then cuts the fishing line attached to the bomb, dropping it into the water, leaving White Spy and the shark to get blown up.
    • (Note: This is the fourth Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 34) - Black Spy attempts to steal White Spy's plane, but when White Spy presses a button on his remote, the wings flip upward and smash Black Spy.
    • (Note: This is based on a Peter Kuper strip.)
  • (Episode 35) - On Halloween, White Spy tries to break into Black Spy's costume party by dressing up in a Black Spy costume. He looks at himself in the mirror to find he looks exactly like his adversary. He strikes a pose while holding a gun for added fun, but notices that his reflection in the mirror did not put his gun away when he did. The "reflection" was actually Black Spy in a mirror costume, who shoots White Spy.
  • (Episode 36) - Black Spy sees White Spy training an attack dog to attack Black Spy. White Spy then takes the dog over to Black Spy's HQ. On the roof of the building, Black Spy pours a bucket of black paint on White Spy, making him look like Black Spy. The dog walks outside the building, spots the paint-coated White Spy, and attacks him as Black Spy claims his victory.
    • (Note: This is the fifth Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 37) - White Spy is playing a music box with his monkey who is holding a cup for donations. Black Spy comes by and hands mini-bombs to the monkey as if it changed. The monkey puts the bombs in the music box, which turns out to be a gun, which White Spy fires at Black Spy. The monkey gives the victory chuckle.
    • (Note: This is the first time the regular background music wasn't used.)
  • (Episode 38) - An imprisoned While Spy receives a cake from his mother, delivered by prison guard Black Spy. It contains a nail file that White Spy slips underneath his cell to Black Spy. Also found in the cake is a picture of an open-cell window, which he pastes over the real cell window. Thinking White Spy filed off the window bars and escaped, Black Spy attempts to dive through the "open" window and gets knocked unconscious, allowing White Spy to escape prison successfully.
    • (Note: This is the first time a sequel was used outside of a previous season.)
  • (Episode 39) - Black Spy flies in a helicopter up to a stone mountain statue of White Spy and drops a bomb on the nose, but White Spy presses a button on his remote, revealing that the nose is actually a rocket, which launches at Black Spy's helicopter, blowing him up.
    • (Note: This is the sixth Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion and the spies also made a cameo in Spy vs. Spy Kids along with Marissa Wilson as Grey Spy.)
  • (Episode 40) - Black Spy finds White Spy surfing, and shoots at him from a tank, but unknown to Black Spy, White Spy's surfboard is really a torpedo in disguise and blows up Black Spy.
    • (Note: This is the second time the regular background music wasn't used.)
  • (Episode 41) - While Black Spy trims his Christmas tree, White Spy arrives in a rocket sleigh and drops a bomb down the chimney, destroying it. This proves to be White Spy's undoing, as Black Spy presses a button on a remote, revealing the tree to be a large missile, which seeks out White Spy and destroys him.
    • (Note: This is the seventh Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, plus the first time this segment was in color, and Black Spy made a cameo in Undercover Claus.)
  • (Episode 42) - Black Spy manages to sneak into White Spy's HQ after evading all of the traps, including a sharp blade, lasers, and a flamethrower. However, when Black Spy looks into White Spy's top-secret safe, he discovers that it contains a piece of paper that says "Look up". White Spy pops out from a hole in the ceiling, whereupon he blasts Black Spy with a shotgun.
  • (Episode 43) - White Spy, on skis, chases after Black Spy attempting to shoot him. Instead, Black Spy manages to convert his own skis into a bow and arrow and shoot White Spy with it.
    • (Note: This is the eighth Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 44) - Black Spy wraps one end of a chain at the rear of a cannon and attaches the other end to a cannonball, which he loads into the cannon. White Spy, while unsure of his enemy's motives, decides to light the fuse and blast Black Spy. However, as Black Spy runs away, the chained cannonball launches forward, and because the other end of the chain is attached to the cannon's backside, the cannon flips backward and clobbers White Spy over the head.
  • (Episode 45) - Atop a cliff, White Spy thinks he sees Black Spy falling off, but it turned out to be a distraction, as Black Spy is on another nearby cliff, with a stick holding up the cliff that White Spy is standing on. Black Spy removes the stick, and the tip of the other cliff crumbles, sending White Spy falling to his doom, while Black Spy snatches his top-secret briefcase in the process.
    • (Note: This is based off a Peter Kuper strip and this is the ninth Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 46) - White Spy plays tennis with Black Spy and secretly uses a bomb for the tennis ball. However, Black Spy manages to defeat White Spy by blowing him up with the "ball". Black Spy thinks he is victorious until White Spy presses a button on a remote, causing pieces of the tennis court floor to spring up and smash Black Spy.
    • (Note: This is the second time that there were two victory chuckles in a row.)
  • (Episode 47) - White Spy is having a picnic in a park, but Black Spy drives by him in his car and snatches his picnic basket. Black Spy drives up to the park's pay toll and while depositing money, the pay toll locks onto his arm. The booth is really a rocket, which launches Black Spy into the air and crashes down to the ground in an explosion. As a result of the force from the explosion, White Spy's apple flies back into his hand.
    • (Note: This is the 10th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 48) - White Spy puts a swing on a tree costume he is wearing. Black Spy finds the swing, and begins to use it, but then gets smashed into a nearby brick wall after White Spy moves in front of the wall.
  • (Episode 49) - White Spy goes skiing, but Black Spy tries to ambush him with a gun while on a ski lift. White Spy makes a jump and uses his skis like scissors to cut the ski lift wire, making Black Spy fall to his doom.
    • (Note: This is the 11th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion and the second time this segment was in color.)
  • (Episode 50) -  Late at night, White Spy walks up to Black Spy's house with a ladder and a lit bundle of dynamite. He climbs up the ladder to a sleeping Black Spy's bedroom window, throws the dynamite through the window, and upon hearing the blast, White Spy chuckles with glee. However, Black Spy pops out from his house's front door and places a detonator attached to some dynamite at the bottom of the ladder. Black Spy pops back inside as White Spy climbs down the ladder and ends up stepping on the detonator handle, resulting in him getting blown up. Black Spy then reveals that he used decoy feet to fool White Spy into thinking he was in his bed.
    • (Note: This is the second time the plotting snicker is used for the victory chuckle, plus the first time that the title card wasn't used, the only time Black Spy won in a lineless segment, and the spies also made a cameo in Parent Trainer.)
  • (Episode 51) - Black Spy's attempt to drop a bomb on White Spy during his daily stroll backfires back to him because of spring inside of White Spy's hat.
    • (Note: This is the 12th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, plus the third time the regular background music wasn't used, plus the trick was also used in Episode 29 only in that episode Black Spy survived the trick and was still able to defeat White Spy, and MAD Kids used the same segment like this in the Spy vs. Spy spin-off, Spy vs. Spy Jr.)
  • (Episode 52) - White Spy sneaks into Black Spy's HQ attempting to rob his safe. White Spy manages to open the safe, but he sees is a rope tied to the inside of it. White Spy unties the knot, resulting in another safe, tied to the other end of the rope to fall and crush him in a pulley effect. Black Spy then reveals to the viewers that he was hidden inside a picture frame waiting for it to happen.
    • (Note: This is the 13th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, plus the third time the plotting snicker was used for the victory chuckle, and the first time Black Spy wins in a season finale.)

Season 3

  • (Episode 53) - Black Spy sneaks into White Spy's HQ in an attempt to crack his safe and find top-secret plans, but the plans turn out to be for a bomb that turns out to be the safe itself, and Black Spy is blown up.
    • (Note: This is the 14th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, also the second time that the title card wasn't used, plus the third time White Spy wins in a season premiere, and they also made a cameo in MAD News again.)
  • (Episode 54) - Black Spy is flying his helicopter and spots White Spy on what appears to be a desert island, and begins to shoot at him. White Spy pulls a lever on the "island" which is really another helicopter, even bigger than Black Spy's, complete with a large cannon, which White Spy uses to blast his adversary.
    • (Note: This is the 15th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 55) - White Spy goes bowling, but Black Spy secretly glues a bowling ball bomb to White Spy's hand. When White Spy throws the ball, however, the bomb flies straight at the pins, and takes White Spy with it. White Spy comes out the ball return right next to Black Spy, and both spies are blown up by the bomb, resulting in their first tie.
    • (Note: This is the 16th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion and the first segment where the spies had a tie)
  • (Episode 56) - Black Spy is envious of White Spy's hit movie. Meanwhile, after the movie ends, White Spy puts his hands in cement to make a handprint. Unfortunately, he gets stuck. Suddenly, Black Spy comes around the corner with a steamroller and made White Spy flat as a pancake.
    • (Note: This is the 17th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, also the third time this segment was in color, plus the fourth time the regular background music wasn't used, and the first time that stop-motion goes to lineless. This happens when White Spy is flattened by the steamroller.)
  • (Episode 57) - Black Spy uses a giant gorilla to destroy White Spy's hometown and kidnap White Spy. White Spy sends in a giant robot to confront it and Black Spy surrenders. So, White Spy makes his robot offer a truce, but lucky for Black Spy, the resulting handshake between the two giants crushes White Spy.
    • (Note: This is the 18th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion and they also made a cameo in Modern Family Circus.)
  • (Episode 58) - Black Spy tries to sneak a bomb onto the top of White Spy's snowman while he gets a carrot for it, but Black Spy discovers that the snowman itself is made of bombs and is blown up. White Spy exits the house, snacks on a carrot, and chuckles in victory.
    • (Note: This is the 19th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 59) - White Spy sneaks a bomb into the ground of Black Spy's pole vault, but when Black Spy is exploded into the air, he impales White Spy with the sharp end of his pole.
    • (Note: This is the fifth time the regular background music wasn't used and the 20th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion. Yep, count 'em, 20!)
  • (Episode 60) - White Spy's treadmill jog is interrupted when Black Spy ties a dog at the end of the back forcing White Spy to accelerate so fast that he slams into barbells when Black Spy unplugs the treadmill.
    • (Note: This is the 21st Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, This was the first time a spy chuckles with teeth, and they also made a cameo in Alfred E. Neuman for President.)
  • (Episode 61) - After White Spy and Black Spy had a night of seeing the Avengers, White Spy's attempt to smash Black Spy with his hammer is disrupted by a surge of electricity caused by Black Spy's shield hitting a power switch and White Spy is electrocuted. Shocking, isn't it?
    • (Note: This is the 22nd Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, plus the first time a pop culture reference was used, and the fourth time this segment was in color. This happens when White Spy has a red cape.)
  • (Episode 62) - When White Spy tries to steal Black Spy's secret plans, he and Black Spy engage in a lightsaber duel. White Spy uses the force to grab Black Spy's weapon, but with the push of a button, Black Spy's weapon impales White Spy from another direction.
    • (Note: This is the 23rd Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, also the second time a pop culture reference was used, plus the sixth time the regular background music wasn't used, and the fifth time this segment was in color. This happens when White Spy and Black Spy use their Lightsabers and when the title card glows.)
  • (Episode 63) - Black Spy alters time with the DeLorean time machine, from the Back to the Future trilogy, to turn himself into a dinosaur and eat White Spy alive after he wins a race. Scary!
    • (Note: This is the 24th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, the third time a pop culture reference was used, and the first time a Spy has won more than four consecutive times. Also, the seventh time the regular background music wasn't used.)
  • (Episode 64) - Black Spy breaks into White Spy's HQ to take White Spy's secret plans, but White Spy folds them into a paper airplane and tosses them out of the window, and Black Spy chases after them until a gun pokes out from beneath the airplane and shoots him. Welcome back, White Spy!
    • (Note: This is the 25th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion and the eighth time the regular background music wasn't used.)
  • (Episode 65) - Black Spy breaks into White Spy's weapons testing facility with a giant tank. He completely destroys the building and thinks he has won. However, on the other side of the destroyed building, a cow opens up its udder to reveal a machine gun! Black Spy screams in terror and he and his tank are shot to smithereens. White Spy pops out of the cow disguise and gives the sign for victory.
    • (Note: This is the 26th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, plus the ninth time the regular background music wasn't used, and the third time that there were two victory chuckles in a row.)
  • (Episode 66) - Today is White Spy's birthday and he gets a birthday present from Black Spy, but considering that Black Spy is his rival, White Spy doesn't know if it's a trap or a cake. So, he uses an X-ray screen to look in the box and sees that it's, indeed, a cake. White Spy lights the candles and waves to Black Spy, who is outside his window. Suddenly, Black Spy launches a heat-seeking missile (which is attracted by the candle flames) and blows up White Spy.
    • (Note: This is based off a Peter Kuper strip and this is the 27th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 67) - When Black Spy trick-or-treats at White Spy's house, White Spy tries to sneak a stick of dynamite into Black Spy's bag, but Black Spy's bag contains a bear trap and the stick gets stuck to White Spy's hand, blowing him to smithereens. Happy Halloween, spies!
    • (Note: This is the 28th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, plus the sixth time this segment was in color, and the 10th time the regular background music wasn't used. That's 10! Count 'em 10!)
  • (Episode 68) - White Spy is in outer space, but he's not alone, because Black Spy has hitched a ride and disconnects White Spy's airline, thinking White Spy will run out of air. But instead, the ship itself runs out of air, spins out of control, and smashes into an asteroid, with Black Spy on board. White Spy connects the air supply to his suit and chuckles in victory.
    • (Note: This is the 29th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion and the first time the regular background music echoes everywhere.)
  • (Episode 69) - White Spy shoots at Black Spy and he falls out of a window in the style of the Mad Men opening title sequence (notice that they used the MAD logo and the MAD segments from the previous and present seasons as well). White Spy continues to shoot at Black Spy thinking it will kill him, but Black Spy falls on White Spy instead and gives the victory sign. Looks like White Spy "fell" for this one!
    • (Note: This is the fourth time a pop culture reference was used, plus the seventh time this segment was in color, the 11th time the regular background music wasn't used, they also made a cameo in Total Recall Me Baby, and this is also the 30th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion. Wow, amazing!)
  • (Episode 70) - Black Spy (as a pilgrim) guards his precious Spy Flower (a spoof of the May Flower) ever so carefully. Then, White Spy (as an indian) appears and tosses an ax at Black Spy and misses. Or does it? The ax cuts a rope holding up Plymouth Rock and Black Spy is crushed by the rock. White Spy gives the victory chuckle and chows down on a turkey leg. Happy Thanksgiving, spies!
    • (Note: This is the 12th time the regular background music wasn't used and the 31st Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 71) - White Spy and Black Spy come back from seeing Spider-Man. Then, both spies had an idea, they invent their weapons based on the movie. Black Spy uses a spray canister to shoot a spider web at White Spy. However, White Spy counters Black Spy with a boot from his canister and crushes him with it.
    • (Note: This is the fifth time a pop culture reference is used, plus the first time White Spy wins in it, also the 13th time the regular background music wasn't used, and the 32nd Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 72) - White Spy takes a stick of dynamite from Black Spy's stocking and replaces it with a lump of coal and hides in his chimney. When Black Spy appears, he looks in his stocking and finds the coal in it. So, he lights a fire and throws the coal in it, causing the flames to grow bigger and bigger and it ignites the dynamite, blowing up White Spy. Merry Christmas again, spies!
    • (Note: This is the 33rd Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, plus the 14th time the regular background music wasn't used, and the only time that there were two plotting snickers in a row.)
  • (Episode 73) - White Spy secretly watches Black Spy scanning his eyes and entering the safe door. So, he goes next and uses a special Black Spy contact lens to scan them and open the safe door, but the plan backfires as a blast comes out of the scanner and White Spy is blown to shreds. Black Spy gives the victory chuckle.
    • (Note: This is the 34th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion and the eighth time this segment was in color. This happened when the scanner was scanning Black Spy's eye.)
  • (Episode 74) - White Spy sets up a picnic for Black Spy, placing a beehive inside a cake. Black Spy has been spying on him, however, and pushes the cake full of bees aside. As Black Spy steps on the blanket, it gives way underneath him, for a pit was dug underneath it. White Spy then comes along and pushes the cake full of bees into the pit. The angry bees attack Black Spy and White Spy chuckles in victory.
    • (Note: This is the 35th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion and the 15th time the regular background music wasn't used, plus the ninth time this segment was in color and the first time that there was realism in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 75) - White Spy's attempt to steal Black Spy's top-secret plans from out of his mailbox literally gets "out of hand" when the mailbox handle chops White Spy's arm off, causing him to faint. Black Spy pops out from the sewer hole afterward and chuckles in victory.
    • (Note: This is the 16th time the regular background music wasn't used and the 36th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 76) - White Spy delivers a bomb to Black Spy's HQ via elevator, but unknown to White Spy, Black Spy pushes all of the elevator buttons so that White Spy stops on every single floor and is blown to bits. Black Spy then parachutes down to safety from the floor and gives the victory sign. Surprise, surprise!
    • (Note: This is the 37th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, and the 10th time this segment was in color. This happened to the title card and the elevator. And also, this is the 17th time the regular background music wasn't used.)
  • (Episode 77) - Black Spy's plan to claim the moon literally blows up right in his face when White Spy uses his rocket disguised as a missile to blow up Black Spy (and the part of the moon he is standing on). The moon then becomes a crescent moon that White Spy gives the victory chuckle on.
    • (Note: This is the second time the regular background music echoes everywhere and the 38th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 78) - Black Spy (as James Bond) shoots the iris. The iris turns out to be binoculars that White Spy was looking through thinking that he could see his future and he faints. Black Spy takes the money from White Spy and gives the victory sign.
    • (Note: This is the sixth time a pop culture reference was used, also the 39th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, plus the 18th time the regular background music wasn't used, and the second time Black Spy wins in a season finale.)

Season 4

  • (Episode 79) - Black Spy and White Spy duke it out in mixed martial arts. Black Spy tries to tackle White Spy, but believe it or not, he ends up being decapitated in the razor wire White Spy installed on the ring leaving White Spy the victory. Well played, White Spy! Well played!
    • (Note: This is the fourth time White Spy wins in a season premiere, they also made a cameo with Alfred E. Neuman in the MADvent Calendar, plus Black Spy made a cameo in Rejected Merry Go Round Characters, and this is based off a Peter Kuper strip, even though White Spy is the one being sliced and losing in that version, and the 40th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion. YAY!)
  • (Episode 80) - Black Spy chases White Spy throughout the arctic shooting at him, but White Spy takes refuge in an igloo. The igloo is then revealed to be a cannon and Black Spy is blown to smithereens. White Spy then pops out of the igloo and claims his victory.
    • (Note: This is the 41st Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion and the 19th time the regular background music wasn't used.)
  • (Episode 81) - White Spy (as the Easter Bunny) leaves a series of eggs around. Later, Black Spy checks to see if any of them are bombs. None of them are, but the last one belongs to a giant chicken, and lucky for White Spy, the chicken attacks Black Spy. Happy Easter, spies!
    • (Note: This is the 11th time this segment was in color, plus the 42nd Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, and the 20th time the regular background music wasn't used. Yep, count 'em 20!)
  • (Episode 82) - Black Spy tries to destroy White Spy. White Spy runs to his house and Black Spy chases back and reaches the fireplace of White Spy's house, and Black Spy tries to throw a torpedo. Black Spy is blown to bits, which reveals that White Spy's house is a giant cannon, and White Spy claims his victory.
    • (Note: This is the 43rd Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 83) - White Spy breaks into Black Spy's HQ, but he sees Black Spy coming. So, White Spy grabs a weapon and hides behind the wall, but the plan backfired as White Spy ends up getting smack by the wall by Black Spy, and Black Spy claims his victory. Good job, Black Spy!
    • (Note: This is the 21st time the regular background music wasn't used and the 44th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion and they also made a cameo in Snoozeum.)
  • (Episode 84) - White Spy receives an iPhone in the mail and gets a text message. So, he reads the message which says "BOOM". White Spy didn't know what that meant until a blast comes and White Spy is blown up. Another message comes which reveals that Black Spy was the one who gave White Spy the iPhone.
    • (Note: This is the only time a Spy wasn't in a Spy vs. Spy segment, even though he won, and the 45th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 85) - Black Spy sneaks into White Spy's HQ and only manages to steal half of White Spy's plans when White Spy rips them in half with his window. Black Spy uses the other half to create a robot to attack White Spy when he sneaks in. When White Spy came in, Black Spy shows off his robot and White Spy was scared to death. However, the robot turns out to be a shredder and Black Spy is shredded to smithereens. White Spy chuckles in victory and shows the viewers the other half of the plans.
    • (Note: This is the 46th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 86) - White Spy enters the bathroom of Black Spy's HQ and he sees Black Spy's feet dangling from underneath a stall. So, White Spy enters an adjacent stall attempting to shoot Black Spy, but the plan backfired as White Spy is drowned and flushed down the stall. Black Spy gives the victory sign from beneath his stall.
    • (Note: This is the 22nd time the regular background music wasn't used, plus the 47th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, and we only see Black Spy's dangling feet and hand, though he still won. And also the second time there was realism in stop-motion. This happens when White Spy got drowned.)
  • (Episode 87) - White Spy tries to trampoline his way up to Black Spy's secret fortress, ignoring the sign. Too bad the trampoline that Black Spy activates pokes out spikes, leaving White Spy impaled upon landing. You did it again, Black Spy!
    • (Note: This is the 23rd time the regular background music wasn't used and the 48th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 88) - White Spy sneaks into Black Spy's HQ while he is sleeping and steals parts to a machine, but when White Spy assembles the machine, it beats him up. The machine is then revealed to be a punching machine that gives the double victory sign for Black Spy.
    • (Note: This is the 24th time the regular background music wasn't used and the 49th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion.)
  • (Episode 89) - Black Spy sneaks mini bombs into White Spy's corn so that when White Spy feeds them to his chickens and then gets the egg back from his chickens to cook it, White Spy blows up.
    • (Note: This is the 25th time the regular background music wasn't used and the 50th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion. A NEW WORLD RECORD!!)
  • (Episode 90) - Black Spy paints holes on White Spy's bomb attached to his plane. Then, Black Spy spreads gun power below White Spy's bomb to fool him into thinking it wasn't working, but when White Spy throws the bomb, he (and his base) blow up when it lands.
    • (Note: This is the 26th time the regular background music wasn't used, plus the 51st Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, and the second time a Spy has won more than four consecutive times.).
  • (Episode 91) - Black Spy is able to successfully shoot a cannonball through a target. White Spy tries to one-up him, but the cannonball ricochets off of the bouncy target and into White Spy's gut, leaving Black Spy the victory.
    • (Note: This is the 27th time the regular background music wasn't used, plus the 52nd Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, and for the first time ever, a Spy has won more than five consecutive times.)
  • (Episode 92) - White Spy tries to replace Black Spy's handbag with a handbag containing a bomb, but when White Spy picks up Black Spy's handbag, he discovers it has been glued to the pavement and White Spy blows up.
    • (Note: This was originally used on MADtv, plus this is the 28th time the regular background music wasn't used, also the 53rd Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, and for the first time ever, a Spy has won more than six consecutive times.)
  • (Episode 93) - White Spy sneaks into Black Spy's HQ and robs him of his anti-gravity belt, but Black Spy removes the down button so White Spy cannot go downward. White Spy was then hit by a meteor and the stars in the sky form Black Spy giving the victory sign (along with a variation of "Also sprach Zarathustra").
    • (Note: This is the 29th time the regular background music wasn't used, plus the 54th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, and for the first time ever, a Spy has won more than seven consecutive times.)
  • (Episode 94) - Black Spy tries to sneak a grenade into White Spy's eggs by disguising it as an egg and hides into White Spy's oven, but White Spy breaks the grenade, shoves the "yoke" into the oven and blows up Black Spy to charcoal. Welcome back, White Spy!
    • (Note: This is the 55th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, plus the first time since Episode 85 that White Spy won, and the 30th time the regular background music wasn't used. Wow, amazing!)
  • (Episode 95) - White Spy is testing his new rocket. Black Spy sees this, however, and ties White Spy to the rocket. It works and White Spy is rocketed into the air with the stars forming his likeness. Think Black Spy got his victory? Think again! The sparks rain down on Black Spy, literally burning him up, and White Spy gives the victory sign while parachuting in the sky. Salutations, spies!
    • (Note: This is the 56th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, plus the first time since Episode 85 that the regular background music had played all of the ways through the segment, and the 12th time this segment was in color.)
  • (Episode 96) - White Spy side-steps along a brick wall at Black Spy's HQ, and he sees Black Spy inflating a balloon with a helium air pump, and we see that the balloon is a black blimp balloon that says "Black Spy Rules!" White Spy tries to prove him wrong and uses a tranquilizer to pop the balloon, which reveals three bombs coming down on White Spy, blowing him to smithereens, and Black Spy claims his victory.
    • (Note: This is the 57th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion and the 31st time the regular background music wasn't used.)
  • (Episode 97) - White Spy sneaks into Black Spy's house, steals his detonator, and tries to blow up Black Spy, but the detonator does not work. This is because Black Spy has a button on the "dynamite" that contains the real detonator which he pushes causing the real dynamite concealed inside of the "detonator" to blow White Spy to smithereens.
    • (Note:This is the 58th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, plus the 32nd time the regular background music wasn't used, and this is based on a Peter Kuper strip.)
  • (Episode 98) -White Spy is waiting for the elevator to get Black Spy. White Spy waits for a long time until the elevator finally arrives and crushes White Spy, and Black Spy claims his victory.
    • (Note:This is the 59th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion and the 33rd time the regular background music wasn't used.)
  • (Episode 99) - White Spy carves a pumpkin in a pumpkin carving contest. Black Spy joins in and carves a perfect jack-o-lantern. White Spy then reveals that he has been carving a gun into his pumpkin all along and he shoots Black Spy with it. Congratulations, White Spy! You just won your first Halloween special!
    • (Note: This is the 34th time the regular background music wasn't used, plus the 13th time this segment was in color, and the 60th Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion. ALRIGHT!!!)
  • (Episode 100) - Once again, White Spy and Black Spy engage in another lightsaber fight. Black Spy uses the force to corner White Spy and chop off his fist, but White Spy uses the force to control his severed fist and use it to beat up Black Spy. Well done, White Spy!
    • (Note:This is the 61st Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, also the 35th time the regular background music wasn't used, plus the seventh and final time a pop culture reference is used, plus the second time White Spy wins in it. This is also the second time a sequel was used outside of a previous season, and the 14th time this segment was in color. Besides that, they also made a cameo in the whole 100th episode special, where they steal the special episode and get their second draw/tie.)
  • (Episode 101) - White Spy sees Black Spy through his telescope, where he is hammering something in the attic of his house. So, White Spy goes into Black Spy's house and tries to open the door to the attic, but he realizes that the door to the attic is locked. White Spy sees a pair of dumbbells and a 500 lb. weight. So he thinks about him lifting dumbbells in his hands, and then he thinks about ripping the door to the attic off the hinges. White Spy then tries to lift the 500 lb. weight, when suddenly, the weight hits the ceiling along with White Spy so hard, knocking him out. It's because Black Spy uses a magnet attached to the car battery with wires, and Black Spy claims his victory.
    • (Note: This is the 62nd Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion and the 36th time the regular background music wasn't used.)
  • (Episode 102) - White Spy (as an Indian) sneaks a dynamite stick into a loom basket and ignites it, but Black Spy (as a pilgrim) aims it towards White Spy so that he gets caught in the blast instead, and Black Spy claims his victory. Congratulations, Black Spy! You just won your first Thanksgiving special!
    • (Note: This is the 63rd Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, plus the third time a sequel was used outside of a previous season, and they also made a cameo inAgents of S.M.U.R.F.)
  • (Episode 103) - We see Black Spy jumping over a brick wall, and he sees a big top secret telescope. He looks into the telescope and sees White Spy flying up and holding a sign that says, "Did you know you're looking through the barrel of a gun?" He throws away the sign and gets out a remote control and pushes the button on it, causing the telescope to turn into a giant gun. Black Spy screams in terror and gets fatally shot to smithereens, and White Spy claims his victory. Way to cap off the series, White Spy!
    • (Note: This is the 64th and final Spy vs. Spy segment to be in stop-motion, also the second time White Spy wins in a season finale, plus the 37th time the regular background music wasn't used, and they also made a cameo in Alfred's Game.)


  • The spy wins are: White Spy - 51, Black Spy - 53, Grey Spy - 1 (see Spy vs. Spy Kids), two draws/ties
  • There is a Spy vs. Spy video game for Xbox, PlayStation 2 (or "PS2" for short), iPad, iPhone, NES, etc.
  • There are five kinds of Spy vs. Spy's: Classic cartoon, stop-motion cartoon, lineless improved cartoon, Mike Wartella cartoon, and Don Martin cartoon.
  • The spies made a brief cameo appearance in Family Guy Season 8, Episode 3 (129): "Spies Reminiscent of Us", where they apparently become friends.
  • The spies appeared in Robot Chicken, where Black Spy shoots White Spy while he is working on a punch-surprise vending machine.
  • They first appeared in MAD #60, and have appeared in every comic since 1961.
  • In 1962, another spy known as Grey Spy appeared in the Spy vs. Spy series, like Spy vs. Spy vs. Spy, in MAD #73.
  • In 2004, the spies appeared in four Mountain Dew commercials.
  • The spies made a cameo in Kung Fu Blander, where they destroy Lord Shen and his MAD-made Angry Bird army with bombs, then destroy each other with dynamite arms.
  • In 1986, Milton Bradley released a "Spy vs. Spy" board game involving digging tunnels and retrieving bombs.
  • There are 9 of the Spy vs. Spy segments that were originally from MADtv on FOX.
  • The fourth Spy Kids film, Spy Kids: All the Time in the World, got spoofed along with Spy vs. Spy as Spy vs. Spy Kids.
  • This is a double year to wait for the Spy vs Spy animation - 6 years passed from Do the Dew until Bombing (originally used in MADtv). Another 6 years passed is from the last episode of Spy vs Spy appearance on MADtv (season 3, 1998) until Do the Dew.
  • This is the third animation of spy vs spy have been brought back on TV - first was brought back was MADTV.

How To Draw A Cartoon Spy


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