How To Create A Purchase Order In Concur
Viewing and Lifting Commitments for Concur and Oracle
Last Updated: June 22, 2021 9:09:41 AM PDT
Learn about commitments for requisitions, purchase orders, invoices, and Concur.
- Commitments are generated for Concur and Oracle documents on projects if POET information is populated in the originating document.
- Commitments are updated every 24 hours
- Managing commitments is a department-wide responsibility
- Effective commitment management requires coordination between fund managers and their preparers and PO Requisitioners
- Fund managers will need to identify commitments and instruct the department on how to close them using the instructions listed below
Commitment Workflow
The workflow of commitments associated with requisitions, purchase orders, invoices, and Concur commitments differ from one another. View our Commitment Workflow PDF to see how each type of commitment is created and lifted.
View PDF
Create and Manage Commitments
- Refer to the How to Complete the Billing Section During Checkout in Oracle Procurement KBA for instructions on populating POET information in Oracle. If POET information is not populated, then a commitment will not be created against the project for requisitions, POs, or PO invoices.
- Concur commitments are created when a Travel Request or Event Request with a Project value is approved in Concur
- This is an external commitment created by an action from a Concur user/delegate
- For more information on creating a Travel Request or an Event Request, please review the appropriate KBAs
- External commitments are not created for Card & Payment Product Requests
- If there are allocations to multiple Projects on a Request, multiple commitments will be created for the amount allocated to each Project
- This is an external commitment created by an action from a Concur user/delegate
- Best practices for Concur Commitments
- Once your Request has been approved, wait until the next day to create an Expense Report from the Request
- Once your Request has been approved, wait at least a day to close the Request
- Once the Expense Report that is associated with your Request has been approved, close/inactivate your Request to lift the commitment
View Commitments in the OFC Costs module
Identify Commitments
There are four types of commitments you might see:
- Requisition
- Purchase Order
- Invoice (PO, nonPO, Concur)
- Concur Travel or Event Request
Type | Commitment Source Type | Transaction Source | Document | Source Application Commitment Number |
Requisition | Internal | Oracle Fusion Purchasing | Purchase Requisition | Begins with REQ |
Purchase Order | Internal | Oracle Fusion Purchasing | Purchase Order | Begins with PUR or 9 |
Invoice (PO) | Internal | Oracle Fusion Payables | Supplier Invoice Commitment | Does not start with RITM or TE_ |
Invoice (nonPO) | Internal | Oracle Fusion Payables | Supplier Invoice Commitment | Begins with RITM |
Invoice (Concur) | Internal | Oracle Fusion Payables | Supplier Invoice Commitment | TE_(Report ID)_(Employee Name) |
Concur Travel or Event Request | External | UCSD Concur | Concur Commitment | TE_(Request ID)_(Employee Name) |
Lift Requisition Commitments
Requisition commitments will lift automatically once they are approved, at which point they will be replaced by a PO commitment. If a requisition is rejected and will not be resubmitted, it should be canceled by the individual who submitted it. If a requisition will not be submitted, then it should also be canceled by the individual who created it. They can do so by doing the following:
- Navigate to the requisition
- Click Actions at the top right
- Click Cancel RequisitionorDelete
If you would like to cancel/delete a requisition submitted by someone else, you must first reassign the requisition to yourself. Instructions on how to do so are in our How to Assign a Shopping Cart or Requisition in Oracle Procurement KBA.
Lift PO Commitments
PO commitments are lifted automatically once they have been fully accounted for by invoices. If no more invoices will be received against a PO, the process of closing it will depending on whether the PO originated in Marketplace or Oracle, and whether or not is has been partially invoiced.
Marketplace or Legacy PO commitments, in which the purchase order begins with 9 and is eight digits long, may be lifted by submitting a Services & Support case. You may use the categories Buying Goods & Services - Oracle Procurement - Revising or Canceling an Order.
Oracle PO commitments, in which the purchase order begins with PUR and is eleven digits long, are lifted via change order.
If no invoices have been received against the PO, you may process a change order to cancel the PO.
If invoices have been received against the PO, you may process a change order to reduce the PO to what has been invoiced.
If you would like to process a change order against a PO submitted by someone else, you must first reassign the requisition to yourself. Instructions on how to do so are in our How to Assign a Shopping Cart or Requisition in Oracle Procurement KBA.
Lift Invoice Commitments
Lift Concur Travel or Event Request Commitments
Once the actual expenses for the business travel or event are reconciled in Concur, the commitment should be lifted as the estimated costs no longer need to be recorded
- External Concur commitments are lifted once the Concur Request has been closed
- Requests can be manually closed using the 'Close/Inactivate Request' button (instructions below) or they will automatically close 120 days after the trip end date or event date
- Lifting the External commitment involves sending a negative line to balance the positive line that is created when the Request is initially approved
Review the How to Lift Concur Travel or Event Request Commitments KBA for further instruction on manually lifting an external Concur commitment.
How To Create A Purchase Order In Concur
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