
Find The Equivalent Resistance Between Points A And B In The Drawing.

Calculate the equivalent resistance between the points A and B for the following combination of resistors,

Let comma space the space 4 space straight capital omega space resistors space be space connected space in space series. space    straight R subscript 1 space equals space 4 space plus space 4 space plus space 4 space equals space 12 space straight capital omega  Now comma space 2 space straight capital omega space resistors space are space also space connected space in space series. space    straight R subscript 2 space equals space 2 plus 2 plus 2 equals 6 space straight capital omega    Now comma space straight R subscript 1 space equals space 12 space straight capital omega comma space straight R subscript 2 space end subscript equals space 6 space straight capital omega space and space 4 space straight capital omega space are space  connected space in space parallel.    Therefore comma  1 over straight R subscript 3 equals 1 over 12 plus 1 fourth plus 1 over 6    equals fraction numerator 1 plus 3 plus 2 over denominator 12 end fraction  equals 6 over 12 equals 1 half    rightwards double arrow R subscript 3 equals 2 capital omega

So, resistance between A and B, R = 5+2+6 = 13 , which is the required equivalent resistance.

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  • Three resistors are connected to a 12 V battery as shown in the figure given below:

    i) What is the current through the 8 ohm resistor?
    ii) What is the potential difference across the parallel combination of 6 ohm and 12 ohm resistor?
    iii) What is the current through the 6 ohm resistor?

    Here, 12 ohm and 6 ohm resistors are connected in parallel.

    Therefore, their effective resistance,fraction numerator 12 cross times 6 over denominator 12 plus 6 space end fraction space equals space 72 over 18 equals 4 straight capital omega
    Total resistance of the circuit = 8+4 = 12

    i) Current drawn =E over R equals 12 over 12 equals 1 space A
    That is, current through the 8 om resistor = 1 A

    ii) P.D. across the 8 ohm resistor = I  R = 1  = 8 V

    P.D. across the parallel combination of resistors = 12 – 8 = 4 V

    Because, the resistances are in parallel and they have the same P.D. each.

    That is equal to 4 V.

    iii) Current through the 6 ohm resistor =Error converting from MathML to accessible text.

    Two resistors of 4 ohm and 6 ohm are connected in parallel to a cell to draw 0.5 A current from the cell.

    i) Draw a labeled circuit diagram showing the above arrangement.

    ii) Calculate the current in each resistor.

    i) The labeled circuit diagram is shown as below:

    Error converting from MathML to accessible text.

    The figure shows a new circuit. [Page 589]

    When the circuit is switched on the ammeter reads 0.5 A.

    i) Calculate the value of the unknown resistor R.

    ii) Calculate the charge passing through the 3 ohm resistor in 120 s

    iii) Calculate the power dissipated in the 3 ohm resistor.

    Error converting from MathML to accessible text.

    We space know space that comma space    space straight q space equals it space equals space 0.5 space cross times space 120 space    space space space space space space space space space equals space 60 space Coulomb
    Power, P = V.I.

                 = I2R

                 = (0.5)2 x 3

                 = 0.25 x 3

              P = 0.75 Watt

    Three resistors are connected to a 6 V battery as shown in the figure given below:


    i) the equivalent resistance of the circuit.

    ii) total current in the circuit.

    iii) potential difference across the 7.2 ohm resistor

    Reistors 8 ohm and 12 ohm are in parallel.

    Then, equivalent resistance is,

    Error converting from MathML to accessible text.

    Five resistors of different resistances connected together as shown in the figure. A 12 V battery is connected in the arrangement.


    i) the total resistance in the circuit.

    ii) the total current flowing in the circuit.

    Here R1 and R2 are connected in parallel.

    1 over straight R equals 1 over R subscript 1 plus 1 over R subscript 2 space    space space space space equals 1 over 10 plus 1 over 40 space    space space space space equals 5 over 40 equals 1 over 8    rightwards double arrow space space space space space space R equals 8 capital omega

    And R3, R4 and R5 are in parallel.

    That is,

    1 over straight R to the power of apostrophe equals 1 over R subscript 3 plus 1 over R subscript 4 plus 1 over R subscript 5    space space space space space equals 1 over 30 plus 1 over 20 plus 1 over 60    space space space space space equals fraction numerator 2 plus 3 plus 1 over denominator 60 end fraction space    space space space space space equals 1 over 10 space    rightwards double arrow R apostrophe equals 10 capital omega

    i)Total resistance = R + R' = 8 +10 = 18 ohm

    ii) Total current = =0.67 A

    Find The Equivalent Resistance Between Points A And B In The Drawing.


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